Welcome to Alistair's Adventures

Join me on a journey to explore the world of outdoor adventure, Philosophy, and explore thoughts, ideas and information. Let's learn together!

My case for independence

I am a Scottish man, brought up in a very culturally Scottish house with Scottish politics on the forefront of my mind. But i was brought up on the English side of the border, this probably influenced me by thinking that keeping in the union with England, Wales and Northern Ireland (or the north of Ireland, but that's a future topic) was the more sensible, realistic path for the future of our nation, but my mind has started to question the union and its affect on Scotland and its people. Its lead me to think, Is independence better for Scotland?

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Outdoor adventures around my home: Mull

On the rather large, sprawling Isle of Mull there lies a great amount of diverse outdoor adventures that I think is largely overlooked by outdoor adventurers much preferring to run big rivers or climb hard routes on the mainland, but i think Mull is the perfect all round package for any and all outdoor adventurers.

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The sustainability problem

As outdoors people we carry our sense of duty to the planet much higher than most mere mortals. But is it so that we are having a much larger impact on the environment than we think? What more can we do to aid our sickly planet?

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About us

Alistair's Adventures is a Blog dedicated to covering a variety of topics including primarily outdoor adventure, philosophy and history. Hopefully there is something for everyone!